Forlorn in desolation,
Yet majestic in isolation.

Desperate with barrenness,
But pregnant with promise.

Lowly in appearance,
Yet noble in substance.

Lost in vastness,
But protected in fineness.

Darkness around the nearness,
Yet lightness around the horizon.

Overshadowed by the depth of the grave,
But canopied by the grace of the heavens.

Standing in the history of the Tomb,
Yet resting in the promise of the Resurrection.

Missing you forever in the present,
But meeting you forever in the future,

In weakness made strong,
Standing tall in this my strength!

*I am writing this in the aftermath of my sister’s early demise last week around this same time frame. This is more an echo of what my bro-in-law is/will be feeling right now, an articulation of a lonely path he is right now treading. They didn’t have kids and so his being left behind is poignant. Please do pray for him.

The expression of my own sorrow is my earlier blog https://mullingspicewordpresscom.wordpress.com/2017/09/07/tribute-to-my-sister/

*Friday Fictioneers is talented group of enthusiasts penning down a story, a poem, a prose, etc., expressing their heart about a photo prompt, every week. Thanks for this week’s beautiful photo prompt © Danny Bowman

33 thoughts on “LOW POINT HIGH GROUND

  1. Thank you.
    I was travelling back home from where the funeral was held. It was an overnight train travel. At times I get so overwhelmed and my heart constriction so badly that it overflows, not in tears, but in words that come tumbling out on to the paper. It has been cathartic and therapeutic.

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