Shorn off your glory,
You still stand tall,
Bearing in your basic berry
New life for self and for all!

Your beauty may wither and fade,
Your covering may shrivel and decay,
Your worth remains but unchanged,
For your hips hold within a potent seed!Beauty without depth has no claim,
Of power to impact beyond the grave.
Charm without content is no gain,
If it sustains for only immediate fame!Nature in many forms shows the way,
Of what is key beneath the display.
Rosy allure is not for dominating sway,
But for sustaining life & transcending the day!

*Rose hips are the seed pods of roses. We don’t often see them anymore, because we tend to prune the faded rose blossoms to encourage more flowers. However if you leave the spent flowers on the rose bush at the end of the season, you should see small, berry-sized, reddish seed balls, left on tips of the stems. They are actually very ornamental, looking like small crabapples. They are also edible and birds enjoy them, too. They are also used in medicines!

Rose Hips

*Friday Fictioneers is talented group of enthusiasts penning down a story, a poem, a prose, etc., expressing their heart about a photo prompt, every week. Thanks for this week’s photo prompt © Maria Gail Stratford

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